Customer Service
When employers search for a customer service apprentice, they look for someone with great communication and interpersonal skills. Customer service is an important part to any business, as this is where you can gain new and returning customers, so good communication and problem solving is key for this role. There are some similarities to business administration within customer service, but your priority is to the customers. Some of your daily duties may include:
- Answering and referring phone calls
- Dealing with complaints and queries in regards to the business/products
- Working closely with the sales and business teams
- Making outbound calls to update people on stock and delivery issues
- Listening to customers and suggesting improvements to the business
- Provide general clerical & administrative support in a busy office
Customer service can make or break a business, so without a strong and dependable customer service team businesses won’t be able to hold onto recurring clients or entice new customers. With this in mind each employer looks for an apprentice with excellent transferable skills and a great work ethic. So before attending any customer service apprenticeship interviews, you must be prepared. Below are some tips which will help you in having a successful interview.
Always Be Prepared
Before attending any interview you must always prepare! You should never arrive to an interview without doing any research into the business or job description. Attending without any prior research will damper you chances of being accepted.
One way to help you prepare is to look at practice questions ( You can view some example questions to the right side with hints and tips on how to answer ), as this will help you understand what the employer may ask.
Other ways to help you prepare can include:
- Writing notes about the business, apprenticeship duties etc.
- Print off your CV – can use this to help you for answers
- Plan what to wear the night before
- ALWAYS plan your journey – check travel times, traffic etc.
The more you prepare, the higher the chance that the interview will be successful be on your way to start the business administration apprenticeship.
Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself when asked. Talk about your hobbies and interests, what you like to do on weekends etc. Mention awards and achievements you have gained over the years, whether they are from school or clubs. Make sure that you don’t overshare, but don’t give too short an answer.
Give an overview of the company and what they specialise in. Mention some facts that you learned about them whether this be awards they have won, when they were established etc. By doing this it will show the employer that you were willing to go out of your way to understand the business.
This is where your research on the company is important as you can implement this in your answer. Mention a success story of theirs and what you like about their processes and the way they work compared to their competitors. It is also important to have ideas of things you feel you could bring and incorporate into the business.
Use an experience that shows you are polite and willing to go beyond customer’s expectations to help them. Discuss a situation where you made a customer feel valued without them having to ask for your help.
Reflecting on an example of prioritising tasks during a heavy workload is a positive way to show competency in a role. This will help demonstrate your organisational skills and problem solving. Explain how and why you made the decision and why it was the right one.
This will be the perfect opportunity to show how you dealt with or could deal with this situation. If you don’t have any previous experience, try and find a situation that is similar. You could also discuss compromising and finding a solution to suit each person involved etc.
Strengths – Mention two or three strengths and talk about how you’ve applied them in your past work experience. (for example, communicating effectively, time management and organisational skills) and give an example of one of them.
Weaknesses – This is where you can show honesty, self-evaluation and are keen to improve. Choose a positive aspect of your personality and mention how this can be slightly detrimental.
When an employer asks this question be as honest as you can. Employers get an understanding of who you are and what drives you. For example, motivation to build a successful career or gain experience etc. are both acceptable answers.
Be honest about your reasons for leaving your last role. But if you are leaving a position that you were not happy in, don’t slander the business. Mention how you want a career with more opportunities for progression or how the role you are interviewing for is a much better fit.
Think about the business as a whole and positions you could progress to within, taking into account your wider ambitions. Most employers want to hire someone with drive and determination so don’t be afraid to set your goals high.
Before the interview be aware of how much the role offers on the job description. Research salary expectations in this sector based on those in positions that have similar experience to yourself.
Use this time to ask questions about the business, daily operations or their expectations of you as an employee in this role. Do not ask questions about the company that could have been answered previously with an online search. Aim to ask open ended questions that won’t result in the employer just giving a yes or no answer.
Personal Presentation
An essential part of making a good impression in an interview is dressing smart. Dressing formally shows that you are serious about the role, ambitious and respectful of the business itself. Even if the interview is informal you still need to make a good impression; so always research the type of company you are applying for.
For example, when attending an interview for a corporate business (e.g. Law Firm, Recruitment Agency) you should wear attire such as:
- Men – smart shirt (ironed) and trousers, smart business shoes, clean and styled hair (shave if needed)
- Women – smart trousers/shirt, dress or skirt, smart shoes/boots, clean and styled hair
(or any smart business attire that you feel comfortable in)
If you are attending a more informal interview you don’t need to look as corporate, so you can choose attire that is a bit more comfortable and casual. However, you still need to look smart so avoid jeans, trainers and casual t-shirts. No matter what role you apply/attend interview for, dressing appropriately will increase your chances of securing the perfect apprenticeship and give you the confidence to have a successful interview.
Make an Impact
First impressions are key when it comes to an interview; if you arrive looking unpresentable, late and with an attitude the employer will automatically decide that you are unsuccessful. Arriving in suitable attire (as stated above) and at least 10 – 15 minutes earlier will already increase your chances. Other ways to make an impact include:
- Having a bubbly and optimistic personality – always have a smile and say hello
- Give a firm handshake – shows confidence and professionalism
- Always go into detail when answering questions – avoid one word answers
- Sit upright – never slouch when sitting down
- Ensure you don’t fidget or mess with objects – looks like you’re bored or nervous
- Always say ‘thank you’ when the interview is finished
Interview Preparation Tasks
1. Read the Interview Confirmation email thoroughly – Familiarise yourself with the location that your interview will take place at. Check transport times. Read through any extra details or helpful advice in the email ton help you prepare.
2. Research the company – Look at their website and social media accounts. Find out who founded the company and when, what the company does, who their clients or customers are. The employer will ask what you know about the company, so find out as much as possible.
3. Have 2 open questions prepared to ask the employer – After you have researched the company prepare at least two questions to ask the employer about the company. Make sure you aren’t asking questions that are already answered on the website.
4. Study the Job Description and think about what your transferrable skills are – Consider what would be expected of you in the role on a day to day basis. Work out which skills you have that would benefit the company and keep these in mind when you are talking about how you are the perfect candidate.
5. Research the company’s competitors if they have any – Being able to give suggestions and ideas for improvement at the company is a great way to show you are informed and proactive.