When it comes to finding work, a majority of roles are situated in offices. Office work is seen as a dull, un-interesting and soul draining like you see in films and TV shows; but in the real world, that is not the case.
Office based apprenticeships can be very beneficial for apprentices in a number of different ways. So I’m going to explain 5 reasons why an apprenticeship in an office environment is such a great opportunity.
Friendly Environment and Team Building
At the start of an apprenticeship, one of the most important things is building a good rapport with the team. An office based job is perfect to get to know everyone, what their roles are and how they can help you in your apprenticeship. This helps build a friendly work based relationship, whether they be your employer or team member. Plus it will make your work experience that more enjoyable.
Communication and Interpersonal skills
Communication in any job position is vital whether your completing an apprenticeship or in a full time role. Everyone now communicates via phone, email or Digital message (DM), so being confident in these areas are very important. An Apprenticeship role in an office environment is a great way to learn these skills; whether you do this by shadowing a colleague, Par-taking in role play or just listening in to calls. Interpersonal skills are another skill that can be improved when working in an office. If you’re shy or struggle speaking in groups, talking with colleagues and employers on a regular basis can help with your confidence and employability skills.
Learn more about the company
Anyone can learn the basics about a company just by looking online. But understanding how the company runs, their work ethic and/or beliefs can only be done by working with the business. This step is important for any apprentice to understand what their role is, and how they fit into the business. Other ways to learn about the business include regular meetings/briefings, or just by asking questions. Don’t be afraid to ask about where the company came from
While learning about the company, there is also the opportunity to be involved in networking. By getting to know those who you work with, they can introduce you to others whether they work with the office, or are a client. This can also be achieved by attending events and conferences. You can speak with employers and businesses about work, opportunities or even just to have a friendly chat.
Great work / life balance
One of the great things about an office based apprenticeship is the work/life balance. A majority of apprenticeships are 9 to 5 Monday to Friday; meaning that you have both evenings and the weekend to do what you want to do. Having a steady routine isn’t just great to organise your time, but to focus on your health too. Having evenings and weekends gives you time to relax, have time to wind down and relief stress. Yet your work life can also merge in with your social life. Businesses all over the country partake in events and parties for their employees. This can include attending local bars for a drink, to large parties and events such as the Christmas do. Here you can get to know those at work in a more personal level and even find friendships.
Move up the business
A great advantage of starting your career in an office based apprenticeship is the chance to move up the business. Though it takes a lot of work and dedication, apprenticeships give you the experience needed to move up the career ladder. Whether you decide to stay with the business or move on, the skills you gain throughout will help you improve your transferable skills. From here you can build on what you know, move to a different departments and aim for higher positions within the business. No matter where you are, these skills will help you to achieve goals and get you to your dream career.